Monday, October 10, 2011

Journaling Your Fears Away

 At some point in our lives we all come face to face with Fear.  Whether it is fear of taking a test or 
interviewing for a new job we all face the enemy...FEAR(False Evidence Appearing 
Real). Journalingis a powerful tool that reveals these falsehoods and helps us diffuse our 
emotions by expressing them in writing, bringing a deeper level of release than just verbal 
communication or thinking can do alone.
 Journaling your thoughts and feelings is freeing and allows you to have a more joyful spirit.

Waynetta has kept a journal since childhood and whether she gleans bits and pieces of stories
 from her journal writings for her storytelling adventures and radio shows to awakenings of 
self-discovery; she is an advocate for the creative expression of keeping a journal.
Join Waynetta in the ablutionary journey of Journaling Your Fears Away in a delightful
 2 hour workshop of simple journaling exercises.  Come prepared with writing tools
 (a journal of your choice and a pen or pencil or a lap top) and a willingness to enjoy the process.
Class is Oct. 30, 2011, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call to reserve a space 469-952-3446
Waynetta Ausmus is a former teacher/principal, storyteller, radio hostess/producer,
 member of The Customer Care Teacher team, and owner of a kazillion journals.
Member of Tejas Storytelling Assoc.
AWA, WMA, Red River Storytelling Outfit

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